Freddy's 31 Days of Horror Day 27: Tod Browning's FreaksTod Browning is most famously known for Universal Studios classic Dracula, the original Bela Lagosi film that started it all. After it's success in 1931, Browning had a lot of clout to do any picture he wanted next. In 1932 he gave us Freaks. Freaks heavily made the studio nervous as the subject matter was basically of human indecency on those different than them, like most of the great original monster movies, but the other aspect was Browning found and used actual circus Freaks in the film. It's a strong and bold movie especially for the time period in which it was released and way ahead of it's time.
A sideshow attraction tells us the story of a woman who was once so beautiful that princes would kill for her attention, but now due to her transgressions upon a group of Freaks, she herself has been turned into a monstrosity. Hans and Frieda are a pair of circus midgets engaged to one another. The beautiful trapeze artist, Cleopatra has caught Hans's eye and is using his infatuation with her to get extravagant gifts from him constantly to Frieda's dismay. Hans assures her that he is just being polite and a gentleman. Frieda in desperation begs Cleopatra to leave him be and to stop using him, she accidentally let's slip the information that Hans has gained a large inheritance and has become rich. Cleopatra along with the Circus strong man, Hercules her lover, plot to take the fortune. Cleopatra marries Hans and together they slowly poison him so they may take his money and run off together. None of Hans's friends within the circus trust her or the situation and constantly spy on the happenings between them so as to protect Hans. Their love and protection for one another is what causes Cleopatra to be turned into the abomination she has become so she may be as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. A good portion of the film is getting to know the players within, each member of the circus getting their own quirks and idiosyncrasies based upon what they do in the circus and their relationships with one another. The more "normal" people such as Phroso the clown and Venus for instance give great love to their fellow Freaks and show that no matter the difference in looks the circus is family and they treat each other equally, developing relationships and even having children with each other in the case of the Skeleton Man and Bearded Lady having a newborn that the whole circus celebrates. Phroso even takes the time to tell the Pin Head Girls how beautiful they are and Venus his lover sees this as a sweet thing whereas outsiders like Cleopatra would scoff at the concept. Browning really uses this to alienate the normal unaccepting people like Cleopatra and Hercules from the Freaks, vilifying them amazingly. One of the best scenes showing the Freaks compassion is at the wedding dinner of Hans and Cleopatra where the Freaks chant, "We accept her! One of us! One of us! Gooble Gobble! Gooble Gobble!" The Freaks pass around a giant cup of wine each drinking from it to signify their acceptance of Cleopatra into their family which she declines and scorns them for ever thinking her one of them. Her slap to their gesture of kindness and peace is what brings us to the antithesis of that scene. They have tried to love her, tried to accept her, they witness her poisoning one of their own and use him. This is where they become the monsters people mark them as. Giving into anger and revenge. A dark stormy night as the circus is moving to another location, the Freaks attack Cleopatra and Hercules. It is one of the most horrifying yet satisfying conclusions to a film as they crawl through the mud and pop out behind carriages all brandishing some kind of weapon to avenge their beloved Hans.
As I said it is one of the boldest movies ever made and sadly was not well received upon it's initial release but has over the many years developed a cult following and has garnered the recognition it so rightfully deserves. As much as I love American Horror Story, Freakshow was a direct rip off of most of the characters and themes in Freaks, but Freaks still reigns supreme as one of the best films of acceptance towards those different to us ever committed to film. Four more days til' Halloween Halloween! Four more days til' Halloween! Silver Shamrock!