Labor Day Weekend Date: Friday, Sept 3rd - Monday, Sept 6th, 2010 Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas at Reunion Animefest is a convention for fans of Japanese Anime, Music, Manga, and Pop Culture. Fans are united annually from around the country by commo...
Date: Saturday, Aug 28th - Sunday, Aug 29th, 2010 Location: Richardson Civic Center, 411 W Arapaho Rd The Dallas Comic Con(DCC) focuses on comic book artists, writers, and publishers....
Date: Friday, June 4th - Sunday, June 6th, 2010 Location: Sheraton Hotel in Dallas A-Kon is the oldest continually running, anime-based convention in North America. Celebrating it's 21st year in 2010, A-KonĀ® hosts anime fans and guests, and offers o...