Daizy Design Face Painting (22 pics)

Christy Lewis is the talented artist behind Daizy Designs. She does an amazing job painting from animals at a birthday party to intricate paintings on models. ...

Great eBay Strategy: Babe Not Included (40 pics)

This is a great way to market any product and definitely gives an edge on eBay. When you're trying to sell a non-exciting motorcycle part, then spice up your images with a beautiful girl. This guy even has visitors that don't even own a motorcycle! ...

Animefest 2014 Part 2 (134 pics)

Date: Fri, Aug 15th - Mon, Aug 18th, 2014 Location: Sheraton Dallas Hotel Animefest is a convention for fans of Japanese Anime, Music, Manga, and Pop Culture. The hotel was crowded as expected with fans in their favorite costumes. Videos, panels and...

Animefest 2014 Part 1 (80 pics)

Date: Fri, Aug 15th - Mon, Aug 18th, 2014 Location: Sheraton Dallas Hotel Animefest is a convention for fans of Japanese Anime, Music, Manga, and Pop Culture. The hotel was crowded as expected with fans in their favorite costumes. Videos, panels and...

British Soldiers' Inventories 1066 to 2014 (10 pics)

U.K. photographer Thom Atkinson released his latest military photo project, "Soldiers' Inventories". It contains the armor, weapons and accessories used by British men in the army from 1066 to present day. ...

Russian Thrill Seekers Reach New Heights (84 pics)

Vitaliy Raskalov and ????? ??????? are extreme Russian thrill seekers. The adrenaline-junkies climb sky-scrapers and the tallest cranes to capture some amazing photography all while getting a thrill. Would you ever go up that high without a safety h...

Miss Bumbum 2014 Contestants (27 pics)

It's about that time again for the annual Miss Bumbum competition. Brazilians gather the 27 best booties of each state for competition. Online voting determines the final 15, but the final winner receives 50,000 reais (~$22,000) in endorsements and ...

How Men and Women Use Social Media

Social media is a vast networking resources that everyone in today's culture utilizes. Men and women however use them focus on slightly different platforms. ...

Psychological Tips (17 pics)

There is great science into studying how people interact with each other. The psychological triggers in how people behave can be seen with a trained eye. ...

Random Pics 168 (221 pics)

Get your dose of the weird and random from the vast interwebs. ...

Guardians of the Galaxy Facts (24 pics)

Here are some interesting facts about the latest blockbuster from Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy. Go see it already if you live under a rock! ...

Real Dolls Look Too Real (25 pics)

If you've ever seen "Lars and the Real Girl" you will know how obsessed people can get with these dolls. Real dolls are created inside Abyss Creatios in San Marcos, California. The amazing life-like dolls range from $6,000 and up, depending on detai...

Sand Sculptures 4 (40 pics)

Patient and skillful sculptors from around the world show off their talents creating the most extraordinary sand sculptures. ...

Bubu The Chinchilla (27 pics)

BuBu the Chinchilla is a 7 year old female chinchilla from sunny Singapore. She loves sipping cocktails, hosting tea parties and driving its sports car. She is so popular that she has well over 120,000 Instagram followers. Bubu on Instagram ...

Mail Order Brides 2 (61 pics)

Mail order brides are beautiful ladies over seas, usually Eastern Europe and Russia, listed on a website looking for marriage. The practice has existed a long time since the great Western frontier expansion in America. Men would find success and lan...

An Edible Wonderland by William Kass (20 pics)

William Kass released his "Minimize" Project and it looks like an edible wonderland. He tudied composition and lighting to produce these amazing scenes in his studio. The project focused on the art and advertising market. ...

Interesting Facts About Robin Williams (25 pics)

Robin Williams was an amazing and inspiring actor that touched our hearts with his abundance of humor and love. Here are some facts that focus on his life and career and not his death. ...

Twin Gatling Gun Motorcycle (12 pics)

Garrett Larson and Dillon Shoffner of Show Stoppers Studio, LLC a custom fitted this 1984 Goldwing bike with a pair of Gatling guns. This is a awesome example of turning a vintage motorcycle into a deadly zombie-killing machine. ...