Horror Show Ep.5 - Cabin Fever and Ghostbusters

On episode 5 of the horror show Freddy and Ash talk Cabin Fever and what's in store for us with the Ghostbusters reboot? Live every week at 8:30pm CST on Twitch ...

The Simpsons Crossovers (24 pics)

The Simpsons have always done a great job of following popular trends and pop culture. Here are drawings of The Simpsons crossing over to other shows and films. ...

The Steinwinter Supercargo 1983 Concept (8 pics)

Introduced at the 1983 Frankfurt Motor Show as the Supercargo 2040, it uses a Mercedes chassis, a 400hp Daimler-Benz engine, independent air suspension, limited slip diferential, anti-lock brakes, and climate control. Built on principles tried in the...

Episode 11 - Ghostbusters - Rated R - Comic Book Picks

Live every Tuesday at 8:30pm CST on Twitch Episode 11 we discuss the Ghostbusters trailer and the Batman v Superman new R rating. What's in store for us in the Star Wars Blu-Ray and the upcoming Power Rangers movie. We give our comic book picks of th...

Street Graffiti by Pichiavo (15 pics)

Pichi & Avo is an artist duo from Valencia, Spain that use Mediterranean colors to brighten up the streets of Valencia. They infuse a high level of detail with surrealism and color. ...

Gas Station turned Bachelor Pad (16 pics)

This New Orleans gas station is located in the French Quarter's. It's an eclectic, 2000 square-foot building built in 1918 and was fully renovated into a bachelor pad with a gourment kitchen, roof patio and jacuzzi tub. ...

Behind the Oscars 2016 (19 pics)

The Oscars where a huge ordeal with tons of celebrities and funny moments. Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning one of these prestigious awards for his role in The Revenant. Here are photos from behind the scenes in the past. ...

Horror Show Ep.4 - Hellraiser and Deathgasm

On episode 4 of the horror show we discuss the library of Hellraiser films and the movie pick of the week, Deathgasm. Live every week at 8:30pm CST on Twitch ...

Episode 10 - DC TV part 2

Episode 10 lets Matt shine again full of DC love focusing on The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. There's plenty of DC TV going on right now and in the works, so our nerds will delve in to sort out the details. Live every Tuesday at 8:30pm CST on Twitc...

Haunted Disney Attractions (9 pics)

Most attendees know of only the happy and magical time spent with family on vacation. However there are some dark tales about some of Disney's magical attractions. Does this change your mind on visiting? ...

Superhero Facts (25 pics)

All things DC and Marvel have put together a cool collection of obscure facts about our favorite superheroes. How many did you know? ...

Horror Show Ep.3 - Friday the 13th

Episode 3 of the horror show is our discussion of the history of Friday the 13th leading up to the TV show on the CW and the film Southbound. Live every week at 8:30pm CST on Twitch ...

Deadpool Special Effects (10 pics)

From the towering Colossus to Deadpool's baby hand, the movie had some incredible special FX! Often people don't take into account all the separate scenes and hours that go into making just five minutes of the film. The amount of work that Julian Cla...

Episode 9 - DC TV

Episode 9 lets Matt shine in the spotlight full of DC love focusing on Arrow and Gotham. There's plenty of DC TV going on right now and in the works, so our nerds will delve in to sort out the details. Live every week at 8:30pm CST on Twitch ...

Amazing Body Paint by Kay Pike (23 pics)

Kay Pike is a professional designer: mixed artist who also sells her own CanadaCosplay.com fashion line. You will see her own digital artwork in the form of fantasy prints, websites, and advertising. Kay Pike even takes the time to model if the oppor...

17-Year Old Builds a Working BB-8 (17 pics)

Angelo Casimiro, a 17-year old Physics student of De La Salle University in the Philippines, has been creating some cool DIY gadgets since he was 4. His latest project and our favorite, is the functional droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, BB-8....

Texas Star Trek Shrine (13 pics)

This beautiful 6,000 square foot home is located in Houston, Texas and has a special room. It's a Star Trek shrine that any Trekkie would appreciate! Would you want this in your home? ...