Two Dogs And A Cat (38 pics)

Meet the unusual friendship of two golden retrievers, Watson and Kiko, and a cat, Harry. Not only do they get along real well, but they do just about everything together....

Holly Wolf (20 pics)

Holly Wolf has also been featured in multiple magazines such as the FHM's and Maxim's all around the world. Also, as a 4x International Playmate that holds two lucrative Playboy Covers and a Playmate of the Year under her belt....

Amazing Pie Baking Talent (27 pics)

Lauren Ko has only been in the pie biz for a little over a year, but you'd never be able to tell by looking at what's coming out of the oven at her house. Her desserts are so intricate and artistic, it's hard to imagine digging a serving knife into t...

President Mugabe's Mansion in Zimbabwe (9 pics)

Robert Mugabe's mansion: The 25-bedroom private house was reportedly constructed by a Serbian construction company Energoproject to a Chinese architectural design.The palace nicknamed, 'Blue Roof' has two lakes in its 44 acre landscaped grounds and i...

Hungarian Train Graveyard (21 pics)

The abandoned Istvántelek Train Yard, otherwise known as the Red Star Train Graveyard, occupies a vast area of land outside Budapest. More than 100 locomotives and train cars rot away, some in deteriorating depots, others out in the field. Among t...

Minecraft Founder's $70 million Los Angeles Home (24 pics)

If you own a TASCHEN James Bond Archives book and have a large Sean Connery poster in your house, you have at least two things in common with Minecraft founder Notch, who just bought the most extreme home in Los Angeles for $70 million. It was announ...

Paula Tumala (18 pics)

Polish model, Paula Tumala, better known as "Slavic Donatana", became known as the beautiful woman who accompanied Cleo during the finale of the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen in 2014. Paula Tumala was born in 1988 in Gorzow Wielkopolski. She ...

Lufthansa Hires Photographer of Windows XP Fame (7 pics)

Windows XP's iconic wallpaper Bliss is the most viewed photograph in the world. Now, 21 years after he made the shot, Charles O'Rear aims to produce the next generation of wallpapers, and they look just as blissful. I am turning seventy-six and reali...

Handmade Dollhouse Furniture (19 pics)

These breathtakingly intricate miniatures are the work of Japanese artist Kiyomi, a mother of two who manages to find the time to dedicate to her hobby sometimes even waking up as early as 4 AM. Kiyomi is clearly inspired by the early industrial age,...

Landmarks Then and Now (82 pics)

It's amazing to see what landmarks looked like decades before and what they look like now. Some very well preserved, but some changed drastically....

Avengers: Infinity War

A decade of movies has brought us to the end of a long road in the form of Avengers: Infinity War, an epic undertaking we finally got our first, glorious look at today. The trailer paints a grim future for our heroes as Thanos makes his long-awaited ...

Paintings on Smoothie Bowls (52 pics)

Hazel Zakariya is a New Zealand-based artist creating her paintings using food. She uses smoothies, that she makes from cream, milk, fruits, and berries, as a base and paints with coconut cream, almond milk, spices, herbs and vegetable powders. The a...

Modern Poland Kindergarten (39 pics)

XY Studio designed a modern kindergarten, called Yellow Elephant, located in the town of Ostrow Mazowiecka, Poland. The one-story building with an area of 810 square meters is divided into five rooms, two of which are nurseries and the other three ar...

MMA & UFC Facts (17 pics)

Some interesting facts you might not of known about the UFC and MMA....

Siena International Photo Awards (220 pics)

Siena International Photo Award is one of the photo contests with the highest international participation ever. 2017 edition has received nearly 50.000 images from amateur and professional photographers from 161 countries worldwide....

World's First Floating City (9 pics)

The concept of floating cities may sound like something from a science fiction novel, but it could become a reality by 2020. Seasteading Institute, a San Francisco-based nonprofit has been developing this idea since the foundation of the organization...

Brazilian Cindy Mello (119 pics)

Cindy Mello is a 21-year-old model, who hails from the world capital of beautiful people (Brazil), joins Pamela Anderson in a Missguided clothing campaign that's supposed to sell clothes but instead just kept us wondering, "Who is that girl?" Now we ...

Lemperle Residence by Jonathan Segal (21 pics)

The Lemperle residence is one of these rare exceptions. Designed by Jonathan Segal FAIA, this ocean front residence promotes an outdoor connection through the use of expansive glass and deck areas. Due to the small pie shaped lot the house focuses ou...